GANS Production and Application

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Formation of GANS. Source: Keshe Foundation SSI, 2015



GANS is the abbreviation for "GAs in Nano-state of Solid." The Keshe Foundation has developed a method by which carbon dioxide (CO2) can be extracted from the air by simple means and converted into a solid state in the nanometer range (nano-state of solid). Production of CO2 GANS results when carbon in the air joins with oxygen of a salt solution. Within a kind of plasma bubble, consisting of Magnetical and Gravitational fields, this conjunction is brought into a crystalline form. These crystals absorb light (the fields) and store and release them according to demand. Each crystal is like a sun!

The Keshe Foundation discovered that GANS, dried as well as bound in water, is useful as a source of energy or can be usefully applied in areas of health and agriculture. Once GANS is produced it can be stored in distilled water to keep it moist. When it is stored in water, GANS does not mix with the water, it settles at the bottom of the water. GANS water is defined as the clear distilled water in which GANS is stored. The water can be used in various ways. It is possible to pour it into bath water, to make health patches as wound dressings or to use it as a spray. Small volumes of it, like drops diluted in water (Liquid Plasma) are drinkable. The applications for the use of GANS and Liquid Plasma are limitless..

The process of GANS production, developed by the Keshe Foundation, work for the production of CO2 GANS, but also for other types of GANS. The drawing (Formation of GANS) shows schematically the development of GANS, the base of which is raw copper. Note the compact atomic structure at the bottom of the graphic. In the first step of the process of the formation of GANS, copper is nano-coated. During the coating process spaces between atoms are formed and nano-layers with nano-wires are created (see Coating). Nano-coated copper in interaction with a zinc plate, in a salt water solution, creates CO2 GANS which collects and settled at the bottom of the collection container (see Production of CO2 GANS). Test

GANS is required for the operation of the Keshe Foundations Plasma Power systems (see the product descriptions for the Power Units in the webshop at for information on Plasma Power products). GANS is a key component in all of the Foundations products. For example, it is used to coat copper coils and used in GANS tanks (e.g. ping pong ball) at the center of coils. As well, GANS is required in order to produce GANS water which is in-turn used to produce GANS fields. Various types of GANS waters are used in many areas of society. Find below descriptions on the production of the four basic kinds of GANS, which are produced by immersing nano-coated copper wires or nano-coated copper plates, in combination with various metals, in a 10% sea salt water solution (100gm sea salt dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water). (CAUTION: never touch GANS with any part of the body).

Materials required for the production of GANS:

  • Plastic container
  • Distilled water
  • Unrefined, natural sea or rock salt
  • Nano-coated copper wires for short-circuiting of the metals
  • Nano-coated copper plates or coils
  • Various uncoated metal plates (zinc, copper, iron) which are needed for the production of different types of GANS'

This table gives an overview:

GANS Color Coated Material Uncoated Material salt content
CO2 (ZnO + CO2) cream white nano-coated copper zinc 3-10%
ZnO white nano-coated zinc zinc 3-10%
CH3 (FeO + CH3) reddish brown nano-coated copper zinccoated iron 3-10%
CuO (CuO + Cu) turquoise nano-coated copper copper 3-10%

IMPORTANT: When you produce your different GANSes, keep a distance (at least 3m, best 5m) between the different GANS-container. The closer the container, the more you get a mixture of different GANSes. Keep in mind, that through the selection of your different metals, you create a "magnet", which attracts the fields from the environment.