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(Toxins from the body wash)
Regel 728: Regel 728:
= Specific diseases =
Specific diseases
Breast Cancer
== Breast Cancer ==
99% percent of the breast cancers for instance are calcium based. Make a gans of calcium and put it as a patch on the breast. In combination that the cancer does not go to the liver and the rest of the body, you put them in the bath.
99% percent of the breast cancers for instance are calcium based. Make a gans of calcium and put it as a patch on the breast. In combination that the cancer does not go to the liver and the rest of the body, you put them in the bath.
== Parkinson ==
Psychological background can be masturbation with a lot of emotion and feeling, they mix the physicality with the emotion. They put the physical motion in making love to people who do physically not exist (any more) in their live. Masturbating men with the right hand leads mostly to a shaking of the right hand. We see women with lower lips shaking, these are the women, who has been forced to oral sex.  
Psychological background can be masturbation with a lot of emotion and feeling, they mix the physicality with the emotion. They put the physical motion in making love to people who do physically not exist (any more) in their live. Masturbating men with the right hand leads mostly to a shaking of the right hand. We see women with lower lips shaking, these are the women, who has been forced to oral sex.  
== MS, ILS, CVS, FMS ==
FMS is generated from age of prebirth to puberty, CVS is generated from puberty onwards, it comes from the hierachy, positioning, „who ist the boss“. When people work in an office and the boss is abusive, people go sick of going to work, this could be one of many reasons for CVS.
FMS is generated from age of prebirth to puberty, CVS is generated from puberty onwards, it comes from the hierachy, positioning, „who ist the boss“. When people work in an office and the boss is abusive, people go sick of going to work, this could be one of many reasons for CVS.
MS is mostly a conflict with the mother at childhood, people do not get what they want, a demand is created of not being considered. Before therapy, ask patients to tell about the relationship between you and the mother.  
MS is mostly a conflict with the mother at childhood, people do not get what they want, a demand is created of not being considered. Before therapy, ask patients to tell about the relationship between you and the mother.  
Separation of CVS from FMS:
=== Separation of CVS from FMS ===
CVS can be detected by searching the 2 bones under the breast. Move the breast up (men or women), two rips under breast, take nipple come right down under the breast to the first bone rip and pressurize it and they complain about a pain, it is CVS. If you do it on left hand side, „comes“ from the parents, mostly mother. If the pain is on the righthand there is a position with friends or society. In this case, use additionally the inhalation-cure with the CO2-Air System. You will see, patients feel like they have „animals moving under their skin“. This is due to the regeneration of the Neurosystem, which was disconnected, due to the separation of emotions their have hidden their pain.  
CVS can be detected by searching the 2 bones under the breast. Move the breast up (men or women), two rips under breast, take nipple come right down under the breast to the first bone rip and pressurize it and they complain about a pain, it is CVS. If you do it on left hand side, „comes“ from the parents, mostly mother. If the pain is on the righthand there is a position with friends or society. In this case, use additionally the inhalation-cure with the CO2-Air System. You will see, patients feel like they have „animals moving under their skin“. This is due to the regeneration of the Neurosystem, which was disconnected, due to the separation of emotions their have hidden their pain.  
== Womb-Cancer ==
By using the health-unit, based on coils, which has the posibility of removing single coils, take the two at the bottom, which are at the height of the womb out. Take a coil in, which is covered with GANS of Zincoxyde with a higher percentage of copper oxyde.
By using the health-unit, based on coils, which has the posibility of removing single coils, take the two at the bottom, which are at the height of the womb out. Take a coil in, which is covered with GANS of Zincoxyde with a higher percentage of copper oxyde.
Muscle-Tissue Cancer
== Muscle-Tissue Cancer ==
At most of the cases, patients have an indication of high level of copper in the blood. We should not see cancer in muscle tissue, so the communication line in the tissue in the microsstructure of tissues, especially in muscles is copper. So make pure GANS of copper-oxyde and use it as a patch on either side. It should not carry any CH3 or any CO2. Put a patch on both sides, facing each other. Connect the two patches with a nanocoated copper wire, glue, stick it on it with a tape ( do not make a hole into the patch), do not loop it back, just connect one nanocoated wire from one patch to the other. So you direct exactly,where you want the transfere to be connected to. Leave it on the body for 2-3hours, remove it, leave it on the body for another 2-3hours. Repeat this 2 or 3 days. If the cancer seed is copperbased, through the flow of the current of the copper oxyde, will wash through. Then the cancer cell will be empty of the center.  
At most of the cases, patients have an indication of high level of copper in the blood. We should not see cancer in muscle tissue, so the communication line in the tissue in the microsstructure of tissues, especially in muscles is copper. So make pure GANS of copper-oxyde and use it as a patch on either side. It should not carry any CH3 or any CO2. Put a patch on both sides, facing each other. Connect the two patches with a nanocoated copper wire, glue, stick it on it with a tape ( do not make a hole into the patch), do not loop it back, just connect one nanocoated wire from one patch to the other. So you direct exactly,where you want the transfere to be connected to. Leave it on the body for 2-3hours, remove it, leave it on the body for another 2-3hours. Repeat this 2 or 3 days. If the cancer seed is copperbased, through the flow of the current of the copper oxyde, will wash through. Then the cancer cell will be empty of the center.  
Here you do exactly what does the lymph in the body of the man, now you do the reverse.The food came and became a lymph and in certain position it became the behaviour of the copper. Now you make the copper in the tissue in the way with the to patches, as the stomach as its going out of the body.
Here you do exactly what does the lymph in the body of the man, now you do the reverse.The food came and became a lymph and in certain position it became the behaviour of the copper. Now you make the copper in the tissue in the way with the to patches, as the stomach as its going out of the body.
Regel 753: Regel 753:
Get analysis of the metals and the semiconductors of the blood. When you see an increase in any part, like zinc, magnesium, copper, etc., that gives you indication, that you have to make the GANS-water of this material and create a flow in the tissue of the man. So you deplete the center.  
Get analysis of the metals and the semiconductors of the blood. When you see an increase in any part, like zinc, magnesium, copper, etc., that gives you indication, that you have to make the GANS-water of this material and create a flow in the tissue of the man. So you deplete the center.  
Prostate Cancer
== Prostate Cancer ==
The prostate cancer shows its sign in definitely specific conditions of the body of the man. You can recognize prostate cancer by looking at the pattern of the secondary cancer (Note: When the cancer cells move away from the primary cancer center, where the cancer starts, settles down there and begins to grow in a complete other part of the body, we call this secondary cancer).  
The prostate cancer shows its sign in definitely specific conditions of the body of the man. You can recognize prostate cancer by looking at the pattern of the secondary cancer (Note: When the cancer cells move away from the primary cancer center, where the cancer starts, settles down there and begins to grow in a complete other part of the body, we call this secondary cancer).  
The pattern is mostly shown as follows: You look at the body of the man, you have two legs, you have the rib bones and you have the shoulder. Have a look at the scan of the prostate-cancer patient, we see majority of the time: Cancer in shoulder plate, we see cancer just above ankle (on the bone between the ankle and the knee, we see cancer on the hip and we see cancer on the left or the right of the three ribs, connected to the heart.  
The pattern is mostly shown as follows: You look at the body of the man, you have two legs, you have the rib bones and you have the shoulder. Have a look at the scan of the prostate-cancer patient, we see majority of the time: Cancer in shoulder plate, we see cancer just above ankle (on the bone between the ankle and the knee, we see cancer on the hip and we see cancer on the left or the right of the three ribs, connected to the heart.  
Now study the behavior of cancer: The ankle is where the lymph cannot go through, which means, our emotion says, I don't want to walk any more. The shoulders is where you attach your arms, is where you created the child, you say:”I want nothing to do with this arm, which fed the child, which I have problem with.” Majority of the prostate cancers are connected within the hope ??? the father outside. You fed the child with your hand you walked with your legs to feed your child, then the heart-cancer on the ribs is where you put your emotion for that child. You do not want to repeat to see your own destruction.  
Now study the behavior of cancer: The ankle is where the lymph cannot go through, which means, our emotion says, I don't want to walk any more.  
The shoulders is where you attach your arms, is where you created the child, you say:”I want nothing to do with this arm, which fed the child, which I have problem with.” Majority of the prostate cancers are connected within the hope ??? the father outside. You fed the child with your hand you walked with your legs to feed your child, then the heart-cancer on the ribs is where you put your emotion for that child. You do not want to repeat to see your own destruction.  
As soon as you see this pattern on the scan, you don't need to look at the prostate, how you gonna deplete the prostate. There is not necessarily a need for a prostate operation. What you got to do, you go straightaway to the brain. You create a fully emotional helmet, so you strengthen the emotion and then in emotion being strenghtened, you strenghten the soul and the body will sort out the secondary cancers.  
As soon as you see this pattern on the scan, you don't need to look at the prostate, how you gonna deplete the prostate. There is not necessarily a need for a prostate operation. What you got to do, you go straightaway to the brain. You create a fully emotional helmet, so you strengthen the emotion and then in emotion being strenghtened, you strenghten the soul and the body will sort out the secondary cancers.  

Versie van 6 okt 2016 om 11:39




This handbook supports alternative and medical doctors, adopting Keshe Plasma Health Technologies in surgeries, medical practices, offices, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and a lot of other areas in the sector of healh. The main content is compressed and summarized from the KFSSIs (Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institutes) “medical teachings”, which were held by MT Keshe at the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. During these medical teachings, MT Keshe added his knowledge to the profound medical knowledge of the doctors. In this handbook, you can also find information from doctors, who already experienced in working with Plasma-Technologies.

The Essence of Keshe-Technology

Magnetic fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016
Superposition of magnetic fields leads to magnetical and gravitational fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Magnetic Fields

Since Albert Einstein's E = m c² it is a scientifically accepted fact that matter is convertible into energy and vice versa. This implies that both (matter and energy) must be the same by nature.

Everthing which exists in nature (or creation) is made up of "magnetic fields". These are the fields that have the two properties, which we know from ferromagnetism: attraction and repulsion (opposite poles attract each other, same poles repel each other).

All phenomena of nature (or of all creation) derive from the diverse interactions of these "magnetic fields".

Magnetical and Gravitational

A superposition of such "magnetic" fields, which create an outwards directed force from the respective centre (or an outward field flow), he calls "Magnetic" (with capital M), or (for better distinction in spoken language) Magnetical (which is a new word introduced by Mr. Keshe for this special purpose). The reverse superposition of such "magnetic" fields which develop an inwards directed force towards the respective centre (or an inward field flow), he calls "gravitational”.

The "magnetic" field flow releases fields to the environment (and can therefore add missing fields to an organism), the "gravitational" field flow absorbs fields from the environment (and may detract from an organism fields that are too many, too strong or the wrong ones).


Every physical object (electron, atom, grain of sand, plant, animal, human, planet, star, galaxy, universe ...) consists of nothing but such accumulations of "magnetic" fields, which he calls "plasmatic magnetic fields". These “plasmatic magnetic fields” consist of a huge amount of single magnetic fields. The “plasmatic magnetic fields” cover a certain area of space by the movement of their single magnetic fields (they are 3-dimensional). Therefore each object is called a "plasma", if he deals with the field content of this object.

You have to be aware of the fact that Keshe Foundation does not use the word "plasma" in the same way as it is used in physics up to now. This means the Keshe Foundation does not refer to the state of an ionized gas when he says “plasma”. When Keshe Foundation uses the word “plasma” he refers to the whole content of fields which build up this object and NOT to its physical characteristics (like ionization, temperature etc.). Speaking about “plasma” he refers exclusively to the properties of the fields, of which an object (or subject) consists.

In most cases these fields extend far beyond the physical boundaries of the objects in question. Also there are field compositions (= plasmas) that are already detached from their physical source and are moving in a non-physical form (as a pure field body) through space to another physical (or non-physical) object. The movement of these field conglomerations is considered to be a kind of “flowing”. Such fields that move in space from point A to point B (which are “flowing”) Keshe Foundation calls "energy".

GANS for "producing" magnetic and gravitational fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016


With the tools and devices developed by Keshe Foundation on the one hand such fields are released out of certain atoms and molecules and made available so that they can forge ahead and flow and on the other hand these tools can gather fields from the environment (e.g. from the human organism), to absorb them and to transfer them to a tank.

The organism emits only the fields from which it wants to separate itself and that it absorbs only those fields which it can use or for which it has an urgent demand. The prerequisite is that the appropriate fields for this purpose are offered.

Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

The material components, which emit or absorb these fields, exist here in a special state of aggregation, which Keshe Foundation calls "GANS". In this state of aggregation atoms and molecules have the desired properties. Since the field strengths of the individual chemical elements and their compounds are different, different "GANS" varieties or their combinations are used for different applications.

The use of different "GANS" with different field strength or the use of nanocoated double coils with plasma batteries causes a directed field flow from the stronger to the weaker fields.

If these fields flux are directed through an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the needed parts of these fields flux or to release a surplus of fields to them in order to be transferred to the environment or a provided field tank.

With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself. Therefore here we do not use chemical agents and processes, but the interaction processes at the levels of "magnetic" fields.

The role of Emotions at Plasma-Technologies

Coming soon, teaching, 12.7.2016 private Barletta Doctors see the change of emotions of the people, till now we looked for emotions, now we look at the souls of people.

Origination of Cancer

The cancer starts in a very simple way, the cancer starts with increase in gravitational field, when you have an increase of gravitational field, the cancer, the cell, the element is heavier, than others. Because of that it is attracting more aminoacid and it starts, shelling itself and then it becomes a tumor. For instance, the center is copper, you can see it in the blood. An increase of the amount of copper means, that this information has been transfered to the RNA and DNA. The hole structure of life is to extend the life, to survive longer. When the body finds a system, that can can stay longer than the others, he immediately takes it.

The majority of Cancer came through evolutionary cancer, as we assimilate, we find a better situation and we accept the new positions and adopt, but some of us could not go through the evolution, they create a change and the cancer appears.

Parameters for Measuring Success with Plasma Technologies

This method gives the ability to measure your progress, you can measure the breathing rate. You get information about the intake of energy, you get information about the change of emotion progress is going on.

Ask your patient to sit down, very calm, explain to them, that you want them to breath deep in and breath out. Do this again the second time, breath in and breath out. The third time, you breath in and you hold your breath, till its hardly possible any more and then breath out. You measure the time, the patients can hold their breath.

Then let your patients talk for a few seconds, and then you ask them to take again another deep breath, take a second deep breath and let out, and this time, put the index-finger on the left nostril and let them breath in through the right nostril, let them hold the breath until its not possible any more, let breath out. Put the index-finger on the right nostril, let them breath in through the left nostril, hold the breath, until its not possible any more, let them breath out. Measure the time, the patients can hold their breath.

Make these measurements before you start any therapy with your patients and document it. What you should see is a growth in the breathing timing. There are people, who start with 19 Seconds, over the months, this will build up more and more. This extension in breathing will give you an inside not only of psychological change, also an inside in the physicality and how emotionally they changed. The change of emotion shows in breathing, because blood is the source of the emotions, change the system and you find out, they change the breathing. After 2-3 weeks you can see the differences.

The Basic Tools of Plasma-Technology for Health

Overview picture

Liquid Plasma Therapy

The Liquid Plasma Therapy can be used for all kind of deseases, especially different types of cancer, it is a total cancer therapy. There are different ways of using Liquid Plasma, depending on the deseases patients have. You can use Liquid Plasma as a bath-, as a drink- or as an inhalation-cure. You can also combine all three. Always keep in mind: „Nobody has ever died of cancer, we die of lack of energy“

Liquid Plasma Bath

This kind of cure is the most powerful, tumors can be reduced by 80% within10 Days. CO2-GANS water is the basis of the liquid plasma bath. The patient takes a bath in a bathtub, which is filled up with touch-warm water and about 1-2 Liter CO2-GANS water. Do not use the GANS itself, use the water above it. Mainly use CO2-Gans, the CO2-GANS brings the body in balance. Use CH3-GANS mixed with CO2-GANS only when you have psychological depression before the cancer or due to cancer (also for MS, ILS, CVS and FMS). By using this liquid plasma bath you transfer energy from the body into the water, the water releases its energy into the environment.

Mix GANS with natural water, let the GANS settle at the bottom, take the top water and add this water into the bath. Just get a 5 Liter water bottle, put about 20ml GANS into it, shake it, let it mixed, let it settle to the bottom and add the water into the bathwater. For patients, you can make 4-5 of this bottles, that they can stay in the bath and the water covers the hole body. Put the bottles, closed also into the bath! No matter if the tumor is in the spinal or the brain we have a position with it, as long as the mouth or nose shows out of the water it is ok. They can additionally put these bottles at the end of the bath too, where the GANS is in, and leave them in the bath. Instead of using the CO2-Batch, we approach the whole body, several locations of cancers can be handled at one time (stomach, liver, pankreas etc.). It becomes a total one approach. Patients should stay 1 hour at least 3 times a day in this bath. Patients can do it at home. As soon as the containers are empty, they can fill the bottles again for the next time. Also leave the 4 bottles in the bath.

Liquid Plasma Bath. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

This could also be realized with a Jacuzzi (bubble bath, whirlpool). You can use a Jacuzzi, where you just have to put the 4 bottles with CO2 and water in it. In a Jacuzzi, depending on the size, there can sit e.g. 15 people in it. What you do you just keep on adding water from the bottle to the water. The water must not be heated, it should be touch warm, just warm enough that it is ok for the patients, they can sit an even chat. They don't need to do anything. Within the first 48 hours the first changes occur. Instead of leaving the 5 Liter bottles in the water, you can just let float Coca Cola Bottles, which are filled with GANS and GANS-water.

For the rest of the 80% of cancer reduction mentioned above, you need to have a detailled blood or/and urin-analysis concerning metals in the blood.When you see heavy metals in the blood or urin, what does it mean? How do you interpret the high level of these materials in the blood? For instance high level of mercury or lead? When we want to reduce the size mass of tumor up to 80 %, it is possible within weeks, the other 20% can be reduced by analysing the blood of the patients and looking at the heavy metals, which are in the blood. When you stop therapy without doing this, the cancer becomes more aggressiv. When there is a high level of mercury in the blood, for instance, it means the center of the cancer tumor, the mother feeder (mother which feeds the whole cancer) is mercury. The last 20 % is a solid mass which is getting fed continously by the mother! When you do a bloodtest or urintest now and you see high level of a specific metal, it means, that this is the seed of your cancer. For example: When you have the results of your bloodtest and you see a high level of mercury, it means, mercury feeds the cancer and now you have to make a GANS of mercury. Cancer trains all the energy to itself, its heavy gravitational. Take GANS of mercury and put a few drops into the water, near where the cancer is, and then you find out, that you killed the cancer inside. Now the energy from the seed is transfered, you deplete the center from its cancer, from the point, where its absorbing all the energy.

How you produce GANS of mercury or all materials which are difficult to handle? Put a container of mercury on top of a container, which is filled with distilled water, its like the process which was done with the orange. Put GANS of CO2, CH3 and Amino acids around the container outside the glass. When you put the mercury above the water, it absorbs the GANS of the mercury into the water. Then you add the water into the water of the bath.

Liquid Plasma Drink Cure

Liquid Plasma Drink and Inhalation Cure. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Additionally to the bath make a GANS of water, take 2-3 Soup Spoons of the GANS water, the water on the top of your container, not the GANS itself. Put the GANS water in a glass of water and drink this water two or three times a day. Not too much, because you have to allow your body to be able to go for transformation!

Liquid Plasma Inhalation Cure

Especially for patients with Lung-problems, put GANS-Water in a glass of water, and breath in with a straw, which you hold very close to the top of the water. Inhale the air around it. The Illustration shows a summary of the liquid plasma drink and inhalation cure.

Plasma Coil Unit


Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016
Adding GANS Patches to address specific parts. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

The Plasma Coil Unit is a device, which consists in the basic version of two walls, on which several coils are mounted. The coils are the typical double coils, with GANS on it, not connected in the way the (power) magravs are, but in the specific “health-settings”. Plasma flows between the two walls through the human body. The Illustration shows this schematically. The advantage of this system is, that not only a specific part of the body is effected, the whole body is covered by the plasma, it is a holistic system, the rest of the body can adjust too! At the same time, it is possible to handle the emotions by using a combination of CO2 and ZnO-GANS.

If the cause of an illness is emotional and this assumption fits to most of the "illnesses", it is possible not only to change the physical structure, it is also possible to allow the brain of the human being to be in the same position too. After changes in the physical body, changes in emotional pattern follow, which means, that people can be balanced in the long run.

By the additionally use of GANS-Patches we can concentrate energies, where we need it.


Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Basically you can use the Plasma Coil Unit for all illnesses. Place the body between the walls and additionally try to place the coils at the height, the source of illness appears to be.

Try to move the coils as close as possible to the body, but do not let the coils directly touch. You can use a thin foil to cover the coils. By using the Plasma Coil Unit of the Keshe Foundation, you can find a holder for foils to cover the coils.

When a coil can touch the skin, covered by a thin plastic foil (e.g. in a plastic bag). This can be used at the sculb and at the body of the human body. As soon as the coils touch the skin, the results are totally different than without touching. Because the heart beat, the pulse of the body, releases the right energy, equal to the emotion needed, by the GANS on the coils. Its the same to the magrav, the only reason, that plasma releases his energy, is because there are coming the pulses from the electric system, the 50Hz. That Pulsation releases the energy of the plasma. Using this in the health sector, the blood circulation pulse triggers the plasma, this is like a kick from your body to the GANS on the coils to release the energy. This way of using the coils is tailor-made to the patients, there is an interaction, what the body needs and what he gives. But be aware, that the GANS does not touch the scin directly, put a foil around the coils.

The reason, the GANS-patches work so perfectly, is because, when you put the patch on the naked skin, it „feels“ the pulses, the vibration of the heart, and that releases the exactly amount of energy from the GANS, which the body needs. Which means, that the GANS not continously releases its energy and the body takes it, the effectiveness of it is the „heart beat“ itself. When you make GANS patches for the patients, make sure, the patients stick it on the body somehow. Not only what is needed is released, is released to the amount that is needed.

Pain Pen

Nanocoating and the Production of GANS

The philosophy of Keshe Foundation is that Plasma should be available for free for every being here on earth. That is why all steps of production are open for everyone, at the following pages you can learn, who to produce GANS step by step. For those, who like to order devices, the Keshe Foundation Manufacturings were founded, you can have a look at the Keshe Foundation Webshop, which devices are currently offered, by clicking on this Link: https://store.keshefoundation.org/store/

Coating of Copper

Main ways, how to coat copper or other metals, Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016
Nano-wires under the scanning electron microscope after a specific way of fire coating (differs slightly of the way, we coat), Source: Yuan et al. (2011, p.2492
Fire coated copper under the scanning electron microscope (a) The Cu2O layer and the CuO layer is to see clearly and also the subsequent resulting nano-wires, (b) enlargement of the green marked area of ​​(a) Source: Yuan et al. (2011, p.2493)
Single nano-wire(NW): (a) taken with a transmission electron microscope (BF-TEM), visible are both sides of the nanowire, (b) the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) shows enlarged the two layers and the crystalline structure, (c) SAED (selected area electron diffraction): pattern of a nanowire, source: Yuan et al. (2011, p.2494)

The base material for the coating is copper, in any form. The coating is carried out either chemically by etching (steam coating with NaOH) or thermally by heating (Fire Coating by gas burner) or. During the coating "gaps between the atoms" arise and on the surface of the copper microscopic layers build up, which in turn consist of small particles that look like wires, these are also called "nano-wire" because they are so small. Therefore, the coating is often referred to as nano-coating. These nanolayers have the ability to grow during the process of the coating.

Many institutions and universities were already engaged in dealing with the thermal coating of copper. Depending on the nature of the copper at a certain temperature there appear different patterns at the surface called “graphs” or others which are called "nano-wires". For example, the scientists Yuan, Wang, Mema & Zhou (2011) [1] from the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Multidisciplinary, State University of New York have studied these nano-particles and layers in detail. The diagram shows an image of the nano-wires in the size from micrometers or nanometers (1 nanometer is 1 millionth of a millimeter: 1 / 1,000,000). The individual wires (threads) are to see clearly, standing or lying around more or less disordered. In this case the copper has been heated to 450 ° C again and again, over a period of 2 hours. It was used a copper substrate in 99.99% purity, which previously was treated with hydrochloric acid (HCI) and was washed with demineralized water, to clean the copper and to remove the natural oxide layer.

The authors affirm that the "nano-wires" during the heating process do not result out of the the so-called "grain boundaries", the cracks on the surface, but that these evolve independently. In detail, during the coating process on the surface first the copper (I) oxide layer (Cu 2 O) is formed, then a copper (II) oxide layer (CuO) comes into existence and eventually the "nano-wires" grow on the top, out of the CuO layer. Only when the CuO nano-layer is thicker than 1 micron (1 micrometer), the nano-wires begin to grow. The optimum temperature for the growth of the nano-wires is indicated with 300-550 ° C. Interestingly, as we know from the coating practice: copper (I) oxide is yellowish to reddish-brown and gets black when heated, but when it cools down it takes on its original color again. Therefore, if the coated wires are just yellowish to reddish-brown, the CuO layer was not yet formed and consequently no "nano-wires" are created. Copper (II) oxide is black, so it is important that the coated wires are black and do not have the Cu2O colors. It is therefore important to choose the right temperature for the fire coating, which we will describe in more detail at the topic of fire coating.

Furthermore, Yuan et al. (2011) have found that the surface of the nano-wires has a crystalline structure and is not hollow, each side of a nano-wire is a crystal with a clearly specified crystal lattice. In figure a and b the two sides can be seen, shown by transmission electron microscopy.

Steam-Coating with NaOH

In order to coat copper wires or plates, you need:

  • Plastic container with lid (not too big)
  • Weights for weighing down the lid
  • ready-wound copper coil, wires or plates
  • ~ 100 grams of pure NaOH powder or beads (no drain cleaners; you can buy it in color shops because it is used to remove paint as alkaline-based stripper)
  • ~ 2 liters of distilled water (according to the quantity of coils and size of the plastic container)
  • electric kettle (water boiler) or oven to heat the water

Phase 1: NaOH-bath - cleaning the coils (~ 1 day)

Preparation for Steam-Coating

At this stage it comes to cleaning the coils of fat and other substances. In a plastic container (not too big) NaOH powder is easily scattered to cover the bottom of the container, then the prepared copper coils are placed on top of the powder, they can touch each other. Next, the lid of the plastic container is obliquely placed on the container so that only a small inlet remains open. In this intake now boiling water is poured until the water covers all the coils. Caution, steam escapes, please wear protective glasses and protective gloves. Burden the lid with weights, so that not too much steam escapes, and leave the container in this state for 24 hours.

Phase 2: Steam Coating - first coating of coil (~ 2 days)

In a plastic container of the same size as in Phase 1 (it could also be the same container) a zinc grid is put at the bottom of the container, so that the coils are not directly on the plastic. Then wires are stretched on top of the container. The bottom of the container has to be covered with scattered NaOH (less than phase 1). Hang the coils, which were previously submerged in NaOH water, on the wires. The coils should have about 2 cm distance from the ground and should neither touch the container walls, nor the other coils. Next, the lid of the plastic container is obliquely placed on the container so that only a small inlet remains open. In this inlet again boiling water will be poured, but this time only about 1 cm. Close the lid as soon as possible, burden the lid with weights and wait for about 2 days. Use as in phase 1 protective glasses and protective gloves.

Phase 3: polarization of the coil (~ 1 minute / coil)

Polarization of a coil with a multimeter, set to Ohms

By polarizing the layers on the copper surface (coating) get excited to organize themselves, align and stabilize. Proceed as follows:

  • Place the still wet coils on a nonconductive surface (wood, plastic, fabric, etc.)
  • Measure with a multimeter, set on Ohms, at both ends of the coil the resistance. The coil resistance will be definitely higher than 100 kilo Ohm, usually it is in the range of Mega Ohm.
  • After the operation, hang the coils back into the plastic container.

Phase 4: drying (~ 3 days) and "pull potential" (~ every 3-6 hours)

With "pull potential” the process is named where "plasma" by the power of the multimeter is encouraged to move, or to organize. In this process current is withdrawn to stimulate the system to produce new current. Proceed as follows: • Pour the bulk of the liquid from phase 2 out of the container, the coils then start with the drying process. • Remove the coil from the hanger, place them on an iron plate • Touch with the negative pole of a multimeter (set to Volt) the iron plate and then touch with the positive pole only briefly for a few seconds different points (beginning, middle and end) of the coated coils. The measured values ​​have no meaning and vary between + and - on the display of the multimeter.

Repeat this process every 3-6 hours during the three days drying period.

Fire Coating with Gas Burner

Gas burner (gas torch, blow torch) with butane gas

With this type of coating it seems to be not necessary to go through the process of polarization and drying (+ pulling potential), but the temperature and direction of the fire coating is crucial. The movement during the fire coating must always be in the direction of flow and the wires must never glow completely. Once the wires get a golden shimmer, the gas burner should be moved further.

If the wires after a few seconds of cooling down take on different colors as red, turquoise or blue throughout an area, the temperature was too low. In this case simply coat again about this passage. If the wire starts to glow, the temperature is too high, in this case simply move back the gas burner a bit (higher distance from the coil) and then start again with the coating. Over time, a sense for the fire coating will develope and everything runs automatically.

We need:

  • Gas burner with butane gas (it also works with a propane / butane mixture)*
  • Copper coils or plates
  • Refractory mounting device for mounting /hanging) the coils or plates (preferably metallic)

Important: Do not coat in too cold rooms, otherwise very easily the coating layer separates from the copper wire; there are also differences in quality of the copper wires, sometimes slight cracks at the surface can be seen already in the "raw" state.

Please be aware to use a gas burner with a tight and narrow flame to be able to apply it very accurate (at the point), as you can see in the Video. If you use a burner which has only a wide, broad flame you will heat up the neighbouring areas too. This disturbs the needed direction of heating of each coil!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRaeT-7zIJs Video about right method of fire coating

GANS production and application

Formation of GANS. Source: Keshe Foundation SSI, 2015

GANS is the abbreviation for "GAs in Nano-state of Solid". The Keshe Foundation has developed a method by which carbon dioxide (CO2) can be extracted from the air by simple means and converted into a solid state in the nanometer range (nano-state of solid). In the production of CO2-GANS the carbon of the air joins with the oxygen within the salt solution and within a kind of plasma bubble (consisting of Magnetical and gravitational fields) this conjunction is brought in a crystalline form. These crystals absorb the light (the fields), store and release them according to the "demand". Each crystal is like a sun!

Furthermore the Keshe Foundation discovered that this GANS, dried as well as bound in water, is useful as an energy supplier or can be usefully applied in areas of health and agriculture. The GANS-water (= the clear water above the GANS, after all of the GANS has settled, but only after the GANS was “washed” at least 5 to 10 times with distilled water – see description of GANS washing) can be used in various ways. It is possible to pour it into the bathwater, to make patches as wound dressings or to use it as a spray. Small volumes of it like some drops of it diluted in water (Liquid Plasma – see there) you can drink. The applications are almost limitless and yet only rudimentary explored.

The process of GANS-production, developed by the Keshe Foundation, does not only work for the production of CO2-GANS, but also for other kinds of "GANS". The figure shows schematically the development of GANS. The used base is "raw" copper. You can see the indicated compact atomic structure at the bottom of the graphics. In the first step the copper is nanocoated. By the coating the aforementioned gaps between the atoms are formed and nanolayers with nanowires (see Coating) come into existence. This coated copper produced in interaction with a zinc plate in salt water the CO2-GANS, which settles at the bottom.

GANS is required for the operation of the Keshe-Magravs. On the one hand the wound and coated coils are covered with GANS and on the other hand there are GANS-tanks (e.g. ping-pong ball) in the center of the coils. And GANS is required in order to produce GANS-water and this is used to produce GANS fields. These GANS-waters are used in many areas of the society. We describe here only the production of the four basic kinds of GANS, which are produced by immersion of coated copper wires or coated copper plates and various metals in 10% sea salt water (100 Gramm sea salt in 1 liter of distilled water dissolved). Thus, you need for the GANS production:

  • Plastic container
  • Distilled water
  • unrefined, natural sea or rock salt
  • coated copper wires for short-circuiting of the metals
  • coated copper (plates or coils)
  • metal plate uncoated, which is needed for the respective GANS production (zinc, copper, iron)

Folgende Tabelle gibt einen Überblick über die Entstehung von unterschiedlichen GaNS-Arten unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Materialien:

GANS Color Coated Material Uncoated Material salt content
Co2 (ZnO + Co2) white coated copper zinc 3-10%
CH3 (FeO + CH3) reddish brown coated copper iron 3-10%
CuO (CuO + Cu) turquoise coated copper copper 3-10%
ZnO white coated copper zinc 3-10%


Washed CO2-GANS with green LED, generates far less and shows structure. Yield after 4 days.
CO2-GANS without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. Yield after 1 day.
CO2-GANS dried without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. You bring this with the double amount of NaOH (weight) and hot destilled water into a “nano state”. Wash it at least 5 times or more (pour out the water after the GANS has settled and fill the container again with fresh destilled water each time). What remains is pure CO2-GANS (usually very little).
Connections of LED, but please use a green LED!
LED lights when production is going well and electricity is produced!


This GANS is produced by dipping of zinc plates and coated copper coils or coated copper plates in saltwater. Solve 100 grams of sea salt in a liter of distilled water carefully and pour the solution into the container. Ensure that no residues of not dissolved salt come into the container. Regarding the connection of the plates or coils, there are different variants, which lead to a different CO2-/ zinc content.

CO2-/ zinc mixture in the ratio 20/80

In this case the coated copper plate / coil is directly connected to the bare zinc plate with a coated copper wire. The preparation of this mixture works very quickly, the amount of CO2-is however relatively low in respect to the zinc content.

CO2-/ zinc mixture in the ratio 90/10

In this case the two plates (nanocoated copper plate and bare zinc plate) are not directly connected with the coated copper wire, but in the middle there is a LED or the coil of a PC fan mounted. The bottom of the plates or coils should not touch the bottom of the container. Connect the anode (longer piece of wire = positive pole) of the LED with the coated plate / coil, and the cathode (notch or shorter needle on LED package = negative pole) with the zinc plate. After a few hours a white layer starts to settle on the bottom of the container, the CO2-GANS, This means: Use NO CURRENT (neither from batteries nor of power supplies) in CO2-GANS-production!!

We need:

  • plastic tub/container or cut bottle
  • zinc plate
  • coated copper coil
  • Green LED
  • 100Gramm sea salt
  • 1l of distilled water

Effectiveness, application

The CO2-GANS-water (depending on the application either pure or only some drops of it put into a larger volume of water) activates cells, revitalizes the body, bringing the sunlight in the body and strengthens the immune system. As a spray it immediately relieves the pain. In disasters, there are usually broken bones. Do not apply the CO2-GANS-water directly to fractures because the pain at the point of the bone fracture brings in the calcium that is needed for healing. So do not spray directly on the breaking point, but around of it. For all kinds of muscle injuries you need CO2-GANS-water.

  • CO2-GANS-water can be taken in (swallowed) Eg. dropwise or 5ml to 25ml in half a liter of water - 1 to 2 times daily (according to the recommendations).
  • Foot-bath: add CO2-GANS-water to lukewarm water, repeatedly applied this eliminates athlete's foot, pulls out of the body stored plasma energy of heavy metals.
  • Full-bath: here you can not only apply CO2-GANS-water but also the GANS-water of ZnO / zinc, CH3 / iron and CuO / copper. For example, at Radioactive contamination Mr. Keshe recommends to take a bath with 2-3 liters of CO2-GANS-water in the bathtub with warm water and staying in this water for 2 to 3 times a day for half an hour.
  • Scalp and hair: you can regularly rub with the CO2-liquid plasma scalp and hair. - It soothes the scalp, strengthens the hair root, and is supposed to bring the original hair color back.
  • CO2-+ ZnO liquid plasma mixture to spray on the face: revitalizes the skin, refreshes, rejuvenates the skin.
  • As aftershave lotion: alleviates possible cuts immediately and relaxes the skin.
  • eczema: spray the affected skin areas with the CO2-GANS-water - very rapid improvement has been reported.
  • Bee sting: sprinkle with CO2-GANS-water several times

CO2-GANS, CO2-GANS-water and the liquid plasma of CO2- is not only used in health applications but also for energy production.


Schematic setting of CH3-production without current; instead of the shortcut you can also use DC of a battery


This type of GANS is produced by using an iron plate and a coated copper coil dipped in sea water (or a solution of sea salt). The two metals are connected by a copper wire. Unlike the production of CO2-GANS you can use here a very low/small amount of DC current and the air of a fishtank pump to speed up the process (but this is not really necessary). Members of the Keshe foundation use i.a. a common, adjustable DC device, which produces current of approximately 15 mA between the two plates (metals), instead of the connection with a copper wire. In this case the minus pole of the device is attached to the coated metal (coated copper) and the plus pole of the device is connected to the blank, not coated iron plate. You could also use a 1,5 V battery as power source. If you use any kind of current you should in addition definitely feed air into the salt solution e.g. with a fish tank pump. After a few hours the production of a reddish brown layer at the bottom of the container starts. This is the CH3-GANS. To get a better result, as described with the CO2-GANS production, you can mount a coil of a PC-fan between the two metals (instead of a wire or a current source). We need:

  • Plastic Container
  • Iron plate
  • Coated copper coil (or coated copper plate)
  • 100 gram sea salt
  • 1 liter distilled water
  • Optional: DC-Device and fishtank pump

Effectiveness, application

CH3-GANS-water und Liquid plasma of CH3-GANS act strong energizing upon the body. It is also a part of the nutrition: for instance, 8 parts (drops) of GANS-water of CH3, 1 part (drop) of ZnO, 1 part (drop) of CO2. The fields of Ch3-GANS-water give the energy, those of ZnO are supporting the nervous system and those of CO2 act connecting the muscles with the nervous system. The carbon within CH3 and CO2 releases energy and the hydrogen of CH3 and the oxygen of CO2 join and provide the moisture, which is needed within the body. The energy of the H of CH3 becomes food. The ZnO/Zinc oxide supports the nerve connections which are needed to implement this energy into the body. Always add one drop of the respective amino acid (which builds on top of the salt water during the process of GANS production in each of the containers), this assures that the application is able to be effective within the body. Everytime when you want to apply CH3 as food you must add amino acids. The amino acids tell the body that the energy is provided for the body. The GANS and the amino acids are created within the same container and therefore have an inner connection regarding their inner structure. This inner connection is obviously necessary for the fields of the GANS and its information, which are available within the GANS-water and the liquid plasma, to be transferred to the molecules of the cells of a living body. The real procedures are topic of present and future research. CH3-GANS is also necessary for technical energy production.


CuO-GANS before it has settled. CuO-GANS has just to settle.


For the production of CuO-GANS you need a blank copper coil (or copper plate) and a coated copper coil (or a coated copper plate), dipped in a sea salt solution. The two metals (plates or coils) get connected by a copper wire. To speed up the process, the same as with the GANS production of CH3, you can use here a low/small amount of DC current and the air provided by a fish tank pump. Some members of the Keshe Foundation use a DC-device which provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates (or coils) instead of the copper wire. The minus pole of the device is to connect with the coated copper and the plus pole of the device is to connect with the blank copper. If you use current then you have in addition also to apply a fish tank pump to provide additional oxygen. After a few hours a turquoise layer builds on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is CuO-GANS. To get a better result, as described with the CO2-GANS and CH3-GANS production, you can mount a coil of a PC-fan between the two metals (instead of a wire or a current source). We need:

  • Plastic Container
  • Blank copper plate (or coil)
  • Coated copper coil (or coated copper plate)
  • 100 gram sea salt
  • 1 liter distilled water
  • Optional: DC-Device and fishtank pump

Effectiveness, application

Copper represents (in connection with the field interactions) the physical body, it effects the muscle tissue and the nervous system. Copper is responsible for a good communication through the nerves and copper acts disinfectant. In Ghana the Keshe Foundation in cooperation with the national Atomic research institute carried out tests, where microbial contaminated drinking water was cleaned with CO2- and CuO-GANS-water so that is was transferred into drinkable water. Bacteria, salts and even Arsenic and Mercury could be neutralized through CuO-GANS-water so that it was no more detectable in the tests. With the GANS-water of CuO many areas can be disinfected. e.g. rooms where food is produced, hospitals, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms and so on. CuO is also used in the technical energy production.




For the production of ZnO-GANS you need a blank zinc plate (or zinc coil or zinc mesh) and a coated zinc coil (or a coated zinc plate), dipped in a sea salt solution. The two metals (plates or coils) get connected by a copper wire. To speed up the process, the same as with the GANS production of CH3, you can use here a low/small amount of DC current and the air provided by a fish tank pump. Some members of the Keshe Foundation use a DC-device which provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates (or coils) instead of the copper wire. The minus pole of the device is to connect with the coated copper and the plus pole of the device is to connect with the blank copper. If you use current then you have in addition also to apply a fish tank pump to provide additional oxygen. After a few hours a white layer builds on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is ZnO-GANS. To get a better result, as described with the CO2-GANS and CH3-GANS production, you can mount a coil of a PC-fan between the two metals (instead of a wire or a current source).

We need:

  • Plastic Container
  • Blank zinc plate (or coil)
  • Coated zinc coil (or coated zinc plate)
  • 100 gram sea salt
  • 1 liter distilled water
  • Optional: DC-Device and fishtank pump

Effectiveness, application

The field strength of ZnO/ Zinc plasma is able to interact with the field strength of emotions. Therefore it addresses our emotions. It supports, strengthens, balances, fills and pacifies emotional needs. The plasma of ZnO/ zinc is the “peace plasma”. Zinc plays an important role in the wound healing. Zinc is a key component in more than 80 metabolic cycles.

  • In health applications the GANS-water or liquid plasma of ZnO can be applied everywhere where the GANS-water of liquid plasma of CO2 is used, because emotional imbalance, conflicts, stress and so on are the most frequent causes of illness and diseases. Therefore ZnO plasma is able to support almost all healing processes.
  • Health cup with double walls: The gap between the walls of the cup is filled with GANS-water of ZnO/ zinc oxide. You do NOT fill water into the cup, but you breathe in only the air inside the cup with a straw.

Useful conditions of GANS

GANS is needed in various conditions. The less water is within the GANS the more solid the substance gets, till you reach the condition of a powder. For Health Application, we basically use only the GANS-water or Liquid-Plasma. Before you get there some steps are necessary:

Harvesting the “amino acids”

Before you are able to deal with the GANS you have to pick up the oily substance which is created during the GANS production and is floating on top of the salt water, because this substance is a valuable ingredient for a lot of applications. This oily layer obviously is a kind of organic substance. Mr. Keshe speaks about “amino acids”. What actually is created in each of the GANS containers, and which variation under which circumstances and conditions, has to be investigated in due course of time. For simplicity reasons and provisional these substances, which are created on top of the salt water of the GANS production container, are called “amino acids”, because amino acids are essential parts of the physical body of a living being.

These layers of amino acids, which are swimming on top of the salt water, are quite thin. Therefore it is not so easy to collect them. You can suck them in with a pipette or a syringe (but in this case you will collect much of the salt water too). It is better to take a tool (e.g. a spoon, a glass rod,…) and touch them with this tool so that they will be attached to it. You can also use a sheet of paperboard or a plastic foil to pick up this layer on top of the salt water. You will have some training to do it well.

The harvested amino acids you can store in liquid form, or, especially if you collect them with a paperboard, you can dry it in a sunny place. Then you can fill the powder in a glass or can. Please always label it instantaneously (e.g. with: amino acids above CO2-GANS)

As soon as you have collected the complete layer of this oily substance (amino acids) – probably in a few attempts – you can start with the process of washing the GANS.

Washing of the GANS

To get usable GANS the GANS has to be washed to reduce the salt content. This happens in the following steps:

  • Pour out or suck in the salt water above the newly created GANS carefully with a syringe or manual pump**
  • Put the liquid with the GANS flakes in a preferably high glass jar (or another high container)
  • Fill this glass jar with the GANS flakes with distilled water up to the top
  • Wait till the GANS flakes have settled at the bottom of the glass jar
  • Suck in the water above the settled GANS with a syringe or a pump again
  • Fill again distilled water into the glass jar with the settled GANS flakes

Repeat this process (sucking in the water above the GANS and filling up with new distilled water) at least 6-10 times, after this the GANS is washed.

    • Alternatively: If you have produced your GANS in bottles, mounted in a board upside down, you can open the srew cap of the bottle and let the GANS carefully pour out.

Additionally to the methods of GANS production, which were introduced here, there are a lot of alternatives. In due course of time they will be introduced too.

Production of GANS-Water

GANS-water filled in bottles
Drying of the GANS on top of the heating

As soon as the GANS is washed several times there is hardly any salt in the suspension. Then it can be used for further processing.

To get GANS-water you have to fill up the glass jar with the GANS flakes with distilled water again after the last washing run. Stir the suspension very well to strengthen the field transfer and the transfer of information.

For the water to be able to absorb the fields and the information which are released by the GANS completely, you should leave the suspension for at least 24 hours.

Afterwards the water above of the already settled GANS can be considered as charged with the field properties of the GANS and as informed. Now it can be used for the various applications. This newly charged/informed water above the settled GANS is called “GANS-water”.

If you take from this GANS-water for your applications please be aware to suck in actually only the clear water and nothing of the GANS flakes themselves (except you need them consciously and deliberately).

The GANS itself (the GANS-flakes) stays in the glass jar (or other container) and can be filled up with new distilled water again and again, limitless.

After you fill it up again please stir it well and leave it for at least 24 hours. Now you have produced a new charge of GANS-water.

Production of “Liquid Plasma”

From every type of GANS-water we can produce the respective “liquid plasma”. For the production of “liquid plasma” you take a few drops or ml of GANS-water with a pipette or a syringe and “vaccinate” these few drops of GANs-water into another container of fresh pure distilled water.

The information is transferred from these drops to the whole water content of this container instantaneously, especially if it is stirred or shaken properly. For stirring you use preferably a stirrer which you easily can produce by yourself with a nanocoated copper coil and a rod. The turbulences due to the created vortexes within the water act like amplifiers (this is similar to the procedure in homeopathy).

If you do not have any nanocoated stirrer you can use any stirrer, like a spoon or a rod or a blender.

This newly produced mixture (of pure distilled water and the few drops of GANS-water) Mr. Keshe usually calls “liquid plasma”. If you produce liquid plasma from GANS-water for internal use (to drink), you can put the GANS-water drops (or ml, tee spoon, soup spoon) also in normal drinking water. In this case you should not stir with a nanocoated stirrer, but only with a normal spoon.

Drying of the GANS

Optional: Drying the GANS with a fan

The aim of drying the GANS is the gentle withdrawing of water, the drying must not be carried out (under any circumstances) by heating upon open fire or on a stove. The more natural the drying happens the better it is. It is possible to speed up the drying process by putting it on top of a heating radiator or turning on a lamp (with a heat producing bulb) near the GANS container. If crystals are built during the drying process, the GANS was washed too little and these are salt crystals. Over time, you will receive GANS paste and after the lapse of another number of hours you will get GANS powder.

Application of plasma in emergency situations

Further information you can find at the 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, from Minute 21 and approx. Minute 35.

All health applications of the technology of the Keshe Foundation are researched only rudimentary. Much further investigation has to be done in this field of science. Clinical trials and tests are only possible after the respective permission is given. All recommendations and proposals given here or in the teachings of Mr. Keshe are the result of previous tests with volunteers or a deduction of the theoretical approach. Each application of these proposals given here or on other sites is carried out in personal responsibility and with the consciousness to be a volunteer making private tests with this Plasma-Technology in the area of health care.

As the previous tests have shown, plasma (the fields of which it consists) can help us in many situations very quickly. It can be applied by spraying, applying patches, drinking

To be prepared for emergency situations, the following GANS varieties should be promptly available, that are the GANS of:

  • CuO (or CuO2) (copper-oxides, the first is a turquoise-blue, the second brownish)
  • ZnO (or ZnO2) (zinc oxide, white)
  • CO2 (carbon dioxide, whitish)
  • CH3 (methyl group, reddish-brown)
  • CaO 2 (Calcium Oxide, color?) (To produce from the ashes of burnt bones)

Of each kind of GANS at least 100 ml (milliliter) should be made. Add to each (already washed) GANS a few drops of the amino acids from the same container, in which the respective GANS was prepared, and stir well. Each kind of GANS (including the corresponding amino acids) should be filled in a normal, previously thoroughly washed, beverage bottle (for example, mineral water bottle). Fill up at a maximum to 1/3 of the bottle volume. Then fill fully with distilled water, shake well or stir and then leave it and let it settle (at least 24 h). Use only the GANS water above of the GANS flakes! The bottle can be repeatedly refilled. The GANS will therefore never be consumed (and retains its properties according to Mr. Keshe for more than three generations of men, perhaps many millennia). Even if during our lifetime no disasters happen, we can pass it as something valuable to our descendants. (How often you have to suck the GANS water and replace it with new distilled water, to prevent the formation of germs in it, the experience will show. Feedback to the Keshe Foundation is requested.)


GANS-water in bottles; please use on your bodies only the GANS-water above the GANS flakes.

In health applications the members of the Keshe Foundation use only the water above the GANS (the GANS-water) and/or the liquid plasma (see description above). The GANS itself must not be consumed under any circumstances. You must not touch GANS itself with any part of your body. For the so-called GANS patches or GANS pads mainly CO2-GANS-water or liquid plasma of CO2-is used. All work should always be performed with gloves!

This way GANS patches are created relatively quickly:

Method with GANS-water

  1. Fill the clear water above the CO2-GANS (CO2-GANS-water) in a bottle. Add a few drops of CuO2-GANS-water into the bottle (and stir it well, the best with a nanocoated stirrer which you easily can produce by yourself with a nanocoated copper coil and a rod).
  2. Prepare zip bags or a sealer and two layers of a kitchen roll (paper towel).
  3. Drip 10-15 ml GANS-water of the prepared bottle onto the paper (according to the size of the patch take more or less of the liquid). Use a small syringe. If the whole paper is damp, put it into the bag, press out the air and close/seal the bag and label it immediately (what is the content, which GANS-waters used, in which ratio, date of production).
  4. GANS-patches or pads should only be used by the people for whom they are made and intended. The best is to produce such patches consciously for a certain person with the intention that it should deliver exactly the fields which are needed for the healing process of this person. Do not transfer any GANS-patch to others after it was already used by someone. (Exception: emergency case).

Method with liquid plasma

  1. Prepare liquid plasma (as described above) of the different types of GANS (separate or as a mixture in the ratio as recommended)
  2. Prepare zip bags or a sealer and two layers of a kitchen roll (paper towel).
  3. Drip 10-15 ml liquid plasma of the prepared bottle and one or two drops of CuO-GANS-water (pure) onto the paper (according to the size of the patch take more or less of the liquid). Use a small syringe. If the whole paper is damp, put it into the bag, press out the air and close/seal the bag and label it immediately (what is the content, which liquid plasmas in which ratio, how many drops of CuO-GANS-water are used, date of production).
  4. GANS-patches or pads should only be used by the people for whom they are made and intended. The best is to produce such patches consciously for a certain person with the intention that it should deliver exactly the fields which are needed for the healing process of this person. Do not transfer any GANS-patch to others after it was already used by someone. (Exception: emergency case).

Test if you get better results when you use GANS-water for the patches or when you use liquid plasma for the production of the patches and please report the result of your research to the Keshe Foundation.

Dealing with the patches:

  1. Simply apply them upon to aching area.
  2. Works well on a bandage or plaster too. Hand, arm shoulder, hip, knee, foot, ribs, solar plexus, neck etc.
  3. In restlessness, grief, fears, worries: on solar plexus and neck ...

Caution: Do not use such patches on body parts which contain artificial material, for example nails, screws, plates, after surgical interventions. Do not apply at teeth with root canal treatment. Not on or near pacemakers

Mobile Plasma Units

Mobile Health Unit, created with a vacuum sealer.

A Plasma Unit consists basically of two "walls" on which either coils or GANS-patches are mounted. The human stands between these walls. Through his body, the plasma flows from the rear to the front. The closer the coil or patches to the body, the better the body fields can be supplied.

While the Health Unit with coils*** is very complex and complicatedly to build, this mobile unit is very easy to create, especially if it is necessary to have it quickly. You only have to attach multiple GANS- patches on the front and back of the body. It is only important that a flow of the plasma (field flow) takes place from the rear to the front. For the fields to flow in the right direction from the back towards the front of the body the patches in the back part have to provide stronger fields than the patches in the front part.

(***For stationary health units please consider the respective blueprints (LINK) )

Typically the right direction of field flow can be achieved by adding CO2-/ zinc oxide GANS-water in the patches of both sides and one or more GANS-waters additionally in the patches on the back. This can e.g. be CH3-GANS-water, some CuO-GANS-water and / or Food-GANS-water. Another possibility would be, to attach all patches into one piece of sealed foil (with the front and rear part, including a hole for the head). You can create this e.g. with a vacuum sealer, as can be seen in the photo.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Decontamination of Water

Ratio of CuO-water to contaminated water

In order to ensure that people will have clean drinking water for their demand, the CuO- GANS-water or CuO”-GANS-water is used for decontamination of water. The dilution is 1:100. So use 1 liter CuO- or CuO2-GANS-water to 100 liters of contaminated water. Pour the CuO- or CuO2-GANS-water into the container with the contaminated water, stir and allow it to settle for 12 h. Then extract from above the clean water. From 100 liters polluted water so at least 50 liters of clean water can be produced.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Internal and external injuries

CO2- and ZnO-GANS-water acts excellently as a spray, if sprayed on painful areas, (be careful: do not apply directly upon fractures, only around them, the bone needs the pain for the calcium to be created/incorporated). You can spray it also on clothes, tents and so on to protect against nuclear radiation and to keep warm.

In all situations of crisis our mind is so heavily loaded with all fears, confusion, depression, exuberant emotions and so on. In this cases always spray CO2- and ZnO-GANS-water (mixture) or drink it drop-wise (diluted in a glass or bottle of water) and / or apply patches on the solar plexus and neck. Also the compound of CO2-, ZnO- and CH3-GANS-water can be used to strengthen the nervous system. Namely in a ratio of 20% CH3-, 10% ZnO- and 70% CO2-GANS-water with a little amount of amino acids (only one drop of each kind).

In cases of exhaustion and/or hunger, combine CO2-/ ZnO2- with CH3-GANS-water. If you have it, apply two patches of different strength, one upon the solar plexus and the stronger one on the back, for example: CO2-/ ZnO2- and Food-GANS-water with amino acids at the back and CO2-GANS-water at the solar plexus.

With open injuries, two or three different patches can be used: CO2-, CH3- and CuO2-GANS-water. Make three different patches and place them one above the other. They can be placed directly over the dressing. The CuO2-patch is to apply only for a short time. Its purpose is to prevent infection of wounds.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Infections of the skin, external injuries of the skin, cuts, sunburn, insect bites etc.

(See 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29 minutes)

Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS-water:

CuO + Co2 (in the ratio 50%/50%) for spraying or patches 

Pour the liquid plasma (water with the same amount of drops of CuO- and CO2-GANS-water) into a spray-bottle and spray the wounds directly, or a dump a paper napkin / paper towel with this mixture and apply it on the body part.

When you have an insect bite, wash it with CO2-GANS-water to which you added only 1 drop of CuO-GANS-water.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Deep wounds with internal injuries (of inner organs) (except head; all which is below the neck)

(See 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29:50 minutes) Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS-water:

CuO2 (5 drops) + CO2- (3 drops) + ZnO (1 drop) + COHN (amino acids – 1 drop of each kind of GANS) oral, drink the drops diluted in a glass or bottle of water

  1. CuO or CuO2 repairs muscle tissue and accelerates healing
  2. CO2 connects, provides communication for the tissue repair, gives the body a part of the necessary energy
  3. ZnO stabilizes emotions
  4. COHN (Amino acids) provide the connection to the body

This mixture accelerates the healing of the injured tissue.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.


(See 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 32 minutes) Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS-water:

CO2 (2 drops) + Cu0 (3-4 drops) + CH3 (1 drop) + COHN (1 drop) + CaO Calcium oxide (1-2 drops) put a soaked towel around the fracture (not directly on the point of fracture).  

  1. CO2-gives the body the necessary energy and provides the communication within the body
  2. CuO and CuO2 disinfects and helps in muscle tissue healing
  3. CH3 (iron GANS-water) amplifies energy for the healing process
  4. COHN (amino acids) provide the connection to the body
  5. CaO (Calcium oxide) for the reconstruction of bones

CaO-GANS can be produced easily from the ashes of burnt bones.

Do not apply the soaked towel or spray directly upon the point of fracture, but only around the area of the fracture.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Head injury / brain injury

(See 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 34 minutes) Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS-water:

CO2 (3 drops) + CaO (3 drops) + ZnO (4 drops) apply with patches or tubes

Begin with this application only after 2-3 weeks, as the brain itself starts to regenerate!!! Calcium oxide (CaO2) is needed for brain cells, usually the brain cells take calcium from the bones of the skull.

COHN (the amino acids) are important for the connection between the fields of the liquid plasma and the area of injury. They support the repair work of the body.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Disinfecting effect

(See 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, about 2 hours 21 minutes)

CuO-GANS-water mixed with CO2-GANS-water could serve as a disinfectant for surgical instruments and hands. It has however still to be explored. Feedback from physicians is appreciated.

CO2-GANS-water with very little CuO-GANS-water (see 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, about 2 hours 25 minutes) can be given in a spray bottle and used as a disinfectant solution (in toilets, kitchens, unpleasant odors disappear, usable as deodorant...). You can spray this solution on the skin, at skin diseases, even skin cancer, burns, ... With foot infections spray it, spray corns and apply patches too. If bald or with thinning hair spray on the scalp and massage.

There is little experience, it just has to be tested. Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Treatment of eye problems

(See 22 International Knowledge Seekers Workshop, about 1 hour 40 minutes)

In degenerative eye diseases, by the application in some cases the genetic cause can be changed, or if they are emotionally conditioned, the emotional balance can be restored, so that as a result the eyes are able to recover again.

Degenerative eye diseases can be processed with 3 GANS types:

  1. the GANS water of CO2 is used to connect the physicality with emotions = communication (4-5 drops)
  2. the GANS water of ZnO is used to provide support for the emotions (1-2 drops)
  3. The GANS water of CH3 is used to provide the energy for the recovery of the cells (for the conversion of the fields into matter) (2 or 1 drop)

(Caution! With eye cancer you MUST NOT use CH3-GANS-water because this promotes the growth!)

But for the treatment of muscles which move the eyeball for focusing, one needs in addition

  1. CuO2-GANS-water (1/2 to 1 drop, 1 drop will already be too much), which supports the regeneration of muscle tissue

In the mixture you add very little (1 drop) of the amino acid from CO2-GANS.

But you should not use amino acids of CuO2-GANS, except when a muscular weakness of the eye muscles is present. Then you can add the amino acids of CuO2 GANS (but very little).

Whenever nerves are affected, add also the amino acids of ZnO-GANS to the mixture.

To consider in the health sector, which GANS types should be used, one must consider the causes of the disease and the affected tissue. The amino acids always provide the link between the fields provided by the GANS-water to the respective physical area in the body (CO2 generally, ZnO nerves, CuO2 muscle tissue, CaO bone tissue). Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Application of GANS water in relation to viruses

(See 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 30 minutes)

This technology is suitable for dealing with viruses.

Viruses dock to their respective host cells. The CO2-GANS-water is capable to separate this connection (by interaction of the fields of the CO2-GANS-water with then fields of the virus, and by creating a field balance, so that no further fields are available for the connection with the host cell).

Everything you need is therefore the CO2-GANS-water. At the moment when one perceives an infection, and the physician has determined that it is a viral infection, you can take 2-3 teaspoons CO2-GANS-water and then continue taking the same dose for 2 to 5 days. The virus should disappear, even if he is still there, he will no longer be effective.

In rare, very serious cases you can add in a ratio of 1:10 also CuO-GANS-water, that is:

9 units (drops) CO2-GANS-water + 1 unit (drop) CuO-GANS-water

Feedback and report of experiences to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

Is someone getting a flu shot, so CO2-GANS-water can be taken additionally.


If a flu starts with high fever, so you should take within the first half hour 3-4 tsp (teaspoon) CO2-GANS-water with a drop of CuO-GANS-water, every 5 minutes. The temperature would have to drop quickly. Then do the same 2-3 times in the next hour and still 3-4 times during the rest of the day, then 3 - 4 times daily 2-3 tsp for 2 - 3 days. The hands should be washed with CO2-GANS-water too.

The pathogenic fields are literally washed out of the body through the CO2-GANS-water. This GANS water supports an internal cleansing process.

If you have children with a high fever, you can wash or rub the body with the CO2-GANS-water. Possibly also add a drop of CuO2-GANS-water. The temperature will fall quickly.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Ebola, Malaria

Take 3 - 5 teaspoons or tablespoons CO2-GANS-water per day for 30 to 60 days, possibly even 100 days

Use at your own risk and danger. Feedback and report of experiences to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

Aids (HIV-positive)

(Procedure of Paul from Togo: see 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 1 hour 48 minutes) 1. For 15-30 days only the liquid plasma of CO2-GANS-water should be used for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc. You should not drink anything else. (An indication from Paul regarding the amount of CO2-GANS-water which is added to the drinking water was missing; Mr. Keshe recommended 3-4 times a day 1 tablespoon CO2-GANS-water with a few drops CuO-GANS-water to add to the drinking water). 2. Thereafter you should produce Liquid plasma from a mixture of CuO-GANS-water CH3 GANS water CO2-GANS-water and ZnO-GANS-water (in equal parts), and only this liquid plasma should be used for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc. You should not drink anything else.

The first phase is used to purify the body. After several days this can lead to fatigue, nausea, blood in the urine or pain etc. In this time the body needs all the energy for healing, so you should sleep a lot. This condition should have disappeared after about 2 weeks. Then one can go from the first to the second phase.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Bacterial diseases

Bacteria are easier to treat. If the doctor prescribes an antibiotic, one can (in an autonomous, self responsible test) reduce the amount of the antibiotic (for example halve the tablet or cut in even smaller pieces) and additionally take in CO2-GANS-water. It should prevent the arise of resistance to the antibiotic and cause the antibiotic to have a better effect. Feedback and advice to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

Use at your own risk and danger. Feedback and report of experience to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

Use in the oral hygiene

(See 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 56 minutes)

Instead of using toothpaste mouth can be flushed with CO2-GANS-water. It should be ensured that the liquid wets all areas of the oral cavity and the palate. This leads to a balancing of the environment in the mouth. This in turn prevents tooth and gum disease (because the microorganisms cannot find the right environment for propagation). This procedure is intended to prevent. Existing dental defects can thus not be repaired, but the progression should be broken. Some of the liquid can be swallowed, so it must not be regurgitated.

In addition one can chew 2-3 times a week at bedtime, a small piece of cheese and swallow it. This should also have a positive effect on the oral environment and help to prevent dental disease.

If precipitated milk teeth have been collected (is common in some countries) so they can be used for the production of Calcium-GANS which then supplies exactly the calcium-fields that are suitable for this man or woman.

For GANS production you can dissolve the teeth in lemon juice (or Coca Cola) and only afterwards you add the NaOH (method as in the Food GANS production).

As an alternative to physical GANS production from the teeth you can transmit the information of the teeth on water. For this purpose you take a round container with water and put 5 little bottles (vials) around it (evenly distributed), one with CO2-GANS, one with CH3-GANS, one with ZnO-GANS, one with CuO-GANS and the last one with the amino acids from the CO2-GANS production. Now lie or hang the tooth (teeth) directly above of the water. Over time, the water absorbs the fields from the bottles and from the tooth. This water you can drink. Or, if you e.g. intend to use it for the support of the healing of a bone fracture, apply a patch on the body, namely in front and back (or left and right) of the part of your body near the point of fracture.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Use in functional failure of organs

(See 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 2 hours 23 minutes) The method of information of water by the 5 GANS-bottles attached around a container with water, as described above, can also be used when someone is to be supported in the healing of an organ with functional loss.

In the future probably no more organ transplants will be necessary. So you could, for example, if somebody has bone marrow problems, find a healthy family member, who sits or lies with the upper part of the knee (where the kneecap) above the water container (with the 5 vials around). The information about the fields of the healthy bone marrow goes into the water beneath. Then the patient with the bone marrow problems can drink this water. In the future, Mr Keshe will add more information to this topic.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Toxins from the body wash

(See 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approx. 1 hour 13 minutes and from 2 hours 32 minutes) It should also be possible to wash toxins out of the body by using GANS-water. It would be interesting to see if this will work for snake venom by snake bite or the like. You could rinse the bite wound with a mixture of CuO- and ZnO-GANS-water and then drop a mixture of CO2-GANS-water and ZnO-GANS-water (50:50) into the bite wound or drink it.

Cortisone retention after high doses of cortisone can get out of the body with CO2-GANS-water and the essential oils of citrus fruits, but this is a prolonged process. Collect the oils from the peel of citrus fruits and mix it into the CO2-GANS-water. Then wash your hands or wash the affected parts of the body with it.

Application only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Specific diseases

Breast Cancer

99% percent of the breast cancers for instance are calcium based. Make a gans of calcium and put it as a patch on the breast. In combination that the cancer does not go to the liver and the rest of the body, you put them in the bath.


Psychological background can be masturbation with a lot of emotion and feeling, they mix the physicality with the emotion. They put the physical motion in making love to people who do physically not exist (any more) in their live. Masturbating men with the right hand leads mostly to a shaking of the right hand. We see women with lower lips shaking, these are the women, who has been forced to oral sex.


FMS is generated from age of prebirth to puberty, CVS is generated from puberty onwards, it comes from the hierachy, positioning, „who ist the boss“. When people work in an office and the boss is abusive, people go sick of going to work, this could be one of many reasons for CVS. MS is mostly a conflict with the mother at childhood, people do not get what they want, a demand is created of not being considered. Before therapy, ask patients to tell about the relationship between you and the mother.

Separation of CVS from FMS

CVS can be detected by searching the 2 bones under the breast. Move the breast up (men or women), two rips under breast, take nipple come right down under the breast to the first bone rip and pressurize it and they complain about a pain, it is CVS. If you do it on left hand side, „comes“ from the parents, mostly mother. If the pain is on the righthand there is a position with friends or society. In this case, use additionally the inhalation-cure with the CO2-Air System. You will see, patients feel like they have „animals moving under their skin“. This is due to the regeneration of the Neurosystem, which was disconnected, due to the separation of emotions their have hidden their pain.


By using the health-unit, based on coils, which has the posibility of removing single coils, take the two at the bottom, which are at the height of the womb out. Take a coil in, which is covered with GANS of Zincoxyde with a higher percentage of copper oxyde.

Muscle-Tissue Cancer

At most of the cases, patients have an indication of high level of copper in the blood. We should not see cancer in muscle tissue, so the communication line in the tissue in the microsstructure of tissues, especially in muscles is copper. So make pure GANS of copper-oxyde and use it as a patch on either side. It should not carry any CH3 or any CO2. Put a patch on both sides, facing each other. Connect the two patches with a nanocoated copper wire, glue, stick it on it with a tape ( do not make a hole into the patch), do not loop it back, just connect one nanocoated wire from one patch to the other. So you direct exactly,where you want the transfere to be connected to. Leave it on the body for 2-3hours, remove it, leave it on the body for another 2-3hours. Repeat this 2 or 3 days. If the cancer seed is copperbased, through the flow of the current of the copper oxyde, will wash through. Then the cancer cell will be empty of the center. Here you do exactly what does the lymph in the body of the man, now you do the reverse.The food came and became a lymph and in certain position it became the behaviour of the copper. Now you make the copper in the tissue in the way with the to patches, as the stomach as its going out of the body.

Get analysis of the metals and the semiconductors of the blood. When you see an increase in any part, like zinc, magnesium, copper, etc., that gives you indication, that you have to make the GANS-water of this material and create a flow in the tissue of the man. So you deplete the center.

Prostate Cancer

The prostate cancer shows its sign in definitely specific conditions of the body of the man. You can recognize prostate cancer by looking at the pattern of the secondary cancer (Note: When the cancer cells move away from the primary cancer center, where the cancer starts, settles down there and begins to grow in a complete other part of the body, we call this secondary cancer). The pattern is mostly shown as follows: You look at the body of the man, you have two legs, you have the rib bones and you have the shoulder. Have a look at the scan of the prostate-cancer patient, we see majority of the time: Cancer in shoulder plate, we see cancer just above ankle (on the bone between the ankle and the knee, we see cancer on the hip and we see cancer on the left or the right of the three ribs, connected to the heart. Now study the behavior of cancer: The ankle is where the lymph cannot go through, which means, our emotion says, I don't want to walk any more.

The shoulders is where you attach your arms, is where you created the child, you say:”I want nothing to do with this arm, which fed the child, which I have problem with.” Majority of the prostate cancers are connected within the hope ??? the father outside. You fed the child with your hand you walked with your legs to feed your child, then the heart-cancer on the ribs is where you put your emotion for that child. You do not want to repeat to see your own destruction. As soon as you see this pattern on the scan, you don't need to look at the prostate, how you gonna deplete the prostate. There is not necessarily a need for a prostate operation. What you got to do, you go straightaway to the brain. You create a fully emotional helmet, so you strengthen the emotion and then in emotion being strenghtened, you strenghten the soul and the body will sort out the secondary cancers.

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  1. Yuan, L., Wang, Y., Mema, R. & Zhou, G.(2011). Driving force and growth mechanism for spontaneous oxide nanowire formation during the thermal oxidation of metals. Acta Materialia, 59(6), 2491-2500.